9 Best AI Writing Tools: Improved Content Creation

Best AI Writing Tools

Writing can be a challenging task, but with the help of the best AI writing tools, it has become easier and more accessible than ever before.

So, what are the best AI writing tools? In this article, we’ll provide an overview of popular AI writing tools that promise improved content creation. We’ll discuss their features and benefits, as well as pricing and ease of use for each tool. Let’s get started!

How to Choose the Best AI Writing Tools?

You may be wondering how to choose the best AI writing tool for your purposes. Here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing the best AI writing tool for you:


Price is an important factor to consider when choosing an AI writing tool. Many tools come with various prices, so you should look at what you can afford and pick the best one that fits your budget.


AI writing tools come with a range of features, so it’s important to look into what features each tool offers before you make your decision. Some features may be more important to you than others and this can help narrow down your choices significantly.

Ease of Use

It’s also important to consider how easy each tool is to use. Make sure that the tool you choose has a user-friendly interface and that all its features are easily accessible. It should also offer tutorials and other helpful resources so that you can get up and running quickly.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide which AI writing tool is best for your needs – but with these tips, finding the right one will be easier than ever!

List of the 9 Best AI Writing Tools

I have gathered the 9 best AI writing tools for you. I will give you an overview of each one and call out key features, pricing, and easy-to-use. Here is a list of the 9 best AI writing tools in 2023:

1. Hypotenuse AI: AI Writing Assistant and Text Generator

Hypotenuse AI: AI Writing Assistant
Hypotenuse AI

It is an AI writing assistant and text generator that you can use to produce technical and academic papers, reports, and other research-based content. It’s a great tool for helping you write faster, and more accurately, so you can create high-quality written materials more effectively.

What makes Hypotenuse AI different? It uses natural language generation to understand the structure of your writing and then generate relevant text. This allows you to quickly get accurate results without having to type out the entire document yourself.


Here are just some of the features that make Hypotenuse AI stand out:

  • Create SEO optimized:
    • Product Descriptions
    • Blog Posts
    • Marketing Copy
    • Image Generation
  • Automatically rewrite sentences to make them more accurate and understandable
  • Suggest relevant topics based on your research
  • Improve the readability of your content with an automated spell-checker
  • Generate new ideas from scratch with advanced artificial intelligence technology
  • Easy integration into existing software or website platforms
  • Create detailed reports on any topic in any written format
  • Automatically format documents according to custom style guidelines


Hypotenuse AI: Pricing
Hypotenuse AI Pricing Plans
  • Try Hypotenuse AI for free: It gives you a few credits for free which you can use to generate your articles and also to get an idea of this amazing AI writing tool.
  • Starter: $24/month per month for the yearly plan, $29/month for a monthly plan
  • Growth: $49/month per month for the yearly plan, $59/month for a monthly plan
  • Enterprise: For content teams looking for personalized, on-brand storytelling. Book a Demo for your custom requirements.

Easy To Use

Hypotenuse AI – is simply the easiest-to-use platform. All you have to do is enter your keywords then boom you will get eye-catching SEO titles generated. Once you choose an SEO title for your blog among the given suggestions it automatically generates Headings for you or can manually add Headings. Get done with headings, now you have plagiarism-free SEO blog posts generated within minutes.

2. Jasper – AI Copywriter | AI Content Generator for Teams

Jasper - Best AI Writing Tools

It is an AI copywriter and content generator for teams. It’s a great tool for automating content creation based on a set of rules. From creating email campaigns to generating blog posts, Jasper can help you create highly targeted and extremely personalized content with little effort.

Jasper also offers natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, which means it can analyze existing text and make suggestions to improve readability, as well as add new topics to your content library for future use. So if you’re looking for an efficient way to create high-quality content quickly, then Jasper is the tool for you!


  • The long-form document editor of Jasper is a powerful program that facilitates the creation of complete documents with the help of AI.
  • With the plagiarism detector, you are free to write without the hassle of being accused of copying.
  • Speed writing helps you create content for your blog posts or articles quickly.
  • Moreover, it incorporates SEO Surfer, a tool that helps to optimize your material for search engine ranking. Automated article writing software can generate articles if you give it enough requirements.
  • Plus, there is a Facebook group where you can find job offers and get assistance.
  • Jasper is also accessible in multiple languages and it can be used for writing novels, blogs/articles, video scripts, and more.
  • Even better, its AI wizard can produce more than one million sentences!


Jasper - AI Copywriter Pricing
Jasper Pricing
  • Boss Mode provides 50,000 words/month for a fee of $59/month.
  • The SEO Surfer add-on begins at $59/mo.
  • The Jasper Art add-on can be purchased for an additional $20/mo.
  • Business Mode: Get custom words/user packages and billing options, and the onboarding and support you need to scale with Jasper.
  • Jasper does not offer any free trial.

Easy To Use

Jasper has an easy-to-use interface that allows you to quickly generate content in a variety of formats including web copy, blog posts, product descriptions, emails, and more. You can also customize your content by creating rulesets for specific topics and types of writing. This way you can have tailored text written in a few seconds without wasting time rewriting or editing long pieces of copy.

3. GrowthBar – The Ultimate AI Writing Tool for Bloggers

GrowthBar - The Ultimate AI Writing Tool

Are you a blogger looking for an AI writing tool that can help you improve your content creation? Look no further than GrowthBar!

Not only does GrowthBar provide fast, natural language generation, but it also uses powerful artificial intelligence to help identify SEO trends and analyze customer behavior. With its easy-to-use dashboard and intuitive interface, GrowthBar makes content creation easier than ever before.


  • AI Blogging Tools:
    • Content Generator
    • Paragraph Generator
    • Paragraph Rewriter
    • Meta Generator
    • Blog Ideas
  • Research Tools
    • Site Inspector
    • Keyword Research
    • Keyword Roadmap
    • Rank Tracker
  • Other AI Tools
    • Email Newsletter
    • Press Release
    • Sales Email
    • Product Description
  • Automatically generate high-quality blog posts based on any topic
  • Create content with increased efficiency using natural language processing and machine learning algorithms
  • Quickly assemble content from multiple sources with the simple drag-and-drop editor
  • Automatically optimize generated content to fit different channels


GrowthBar - Pricing
GrowthBarSeo Pricing
  • Free trial of any plan for 5 days
  • $29/month for a yearly plan, $48/month for a monthly plan
  • $79/month for a yearly plan; $99/month for a monthly plan
  • $129/month for a yearly plan; $199/month for a monthly plan

Easy To Use

GrowthBar is without a doubt one of the best AI writing tools out there for bloggers. With its easy-to-use features, powerful artificial intelligence capabilities, and intuitive interface, it’s no wonder why so many bloggers are turning to this tool for improved content creation.

4. Writesonic – Best AI Writer, Copywriting & Paraphrasing Tool

Writesonic - Best AI Writer

When it comes to budget-friendly AI writing tools, WriteSonic is hard to beat. This tool is great for those still new to AI writing and SEO optimization, so it’s a great entry point for those just starting out.

WriteSonic can help content marketers break through their blocks and connect with their intended readers. It’s the ideal tool for writers who are having difficulty thinking up new material.

The software is available for both PC and Mac users, and those who are interested can take advantage of the free trial period.


WriteSonic packs in some powerful features, like:

  • Pre-written content suggestions tailored to your topic
  • Automatic keyword insertion for SEO optimization
  • Automated plagiarism checks against over 8 billion web pages
  • A wide range of options for customizing your text output
  • Expert human review for all content written by the AI tool
  • Affordable pricing plans for businesses of any size


Writesonic - Pricing
WriteSonic Pricing
  • Free Trial: $0 per month. It comes with 6250 words for free just to give you a taste of WriteSonic features.
  • Long-form: $12.67/month per month for the yearly plan, $19/month for a monthly plan. This plan is especially for bloggers, freelancers, and businesses.
  • Custom Plan: With this plan take your business to the next level with custom packages, custom AI model development, onboarding, and support.

Easy To Use

You don’t have to be an SEO expert to use WriteSonic. With its user-friendly interface and range of customizable features, this tool makes optimizing your content almost effortless. Plus the affordable price point means you won’t break the bank in order to get the best results.

5. Sudowrite


More and more, AI tools are becoming an integral part of content creation, and Sudowrite is one of the best out there. This AI writing assistant integrates with your editing tools of choice (Google Docs and WordPress) to help you write better.

The awesome thing about Sudowrite is that it can do a lot more than just basic grammar and spell-checking––it can also provide insights into your piece’s readability help you craft better sentences and suggest alternative words that may fit better. Plus, you get real-time feedback on formatting tips and warnings for incorrect usage of tenses or verb agreement.


  • Write: Your AI assistant has a suggestion for your next piece of content
  • Describe: Need more in-depth info about a subject? Use this feature!
  • Rewrite: Not happy with the outcome? It’s time to rewrite it
  • Brainstorm: When you’re all out of ideas
  • Shrink Ray: Reducing based off words Sudowrite reads, not writes
  • Twist: A chance to switch things up
  • Characters: Feeling stuck? Generate some new character ideas
  • Poem: Generate a modern free-verse poem
  • Canvas BETA: Helps you generate the complete outline


Sudowrite - Pricing
Sudowrite Pricing
  • Try Sudowrite for free
  • Hobby & Student: $10/month per month for the yearly plan, $19/month for a monthly plan
  • Professional: $20/month per month for the yearly plan, $29/month for a monthly plan
  • Max: $100/month per month for the yearly plan, $129/month for a monthly plan

Easy To Use

The tool even has AI capabilities that enable it to understand the context behind your words—which makes it particularly useful for complex technical writing tasks. With Sudowrite’s help, you can be sure to create content that reads clearly and is easy to understand for readers.

6. Surfer: Best SEO Content Editor—Your Powerful Writing Assistant

Surfer: Best SEO Content Editor
Surfer SEO Content Writer

Writing great content is hard—especially if you have to juggle deadlines, keyword research, and copywriting. Fortunately, if you have Surfer’s SEO Content Editor, you can get help with all of these things—all bundled in one place.

The Content Editor is powered by AI technology and gives you real-time feedback as you write. It understands natural language processing and uses machine learning algorithms to provide in-depth analysis of content quality and help you identify potential issues related to keyword density, grammar, readability, and more. Plus, it keeps a track of which words appear most often on Google for the topic you write about.

It’s like having a powerful writing assistant that helps you create better content faster—so make sure to give the Content Editor a try!


  • Content Planner – create a plan for your content, including the tools you will use to write it.
  • Brief – use AI to outline and create unique headings and paragraphs.
  • Content Editor – gain suggestions and guidelines while composing with an HTML-enabled document editor.
  • Audit – check existing pages for missing keywords and compare them to competitors.
  • Grow Flow – upgrade website content weekly with a hassle-free task direction.
  • Keyword Surfer – search keywords in Google quickly with this browser extension.
  • Surfer Academy – access the training on-demand and in real-time.
  • SEO Writers Directory – access this directory for writers that are well-versed in SEO-optimized content
  • Writing Masterclass – available to subscribers, this helps them learn the fundamentals of SEO writing and grants a certificate at the end.


Surfer: Best SEO Content Editor Pricing
Surfer SEO Content Writer Pricing
  • Try Surfer SEO Content writer for free
  • Basic: $49/month per month for the yearly plan, $59/per month for a monthly plan
  • Pro: $99/month per month for the yearly plan, $119/per month for a monthly plan
  • Business: $199/month per month for the yearly plan, $239/per month for a monthly plan

Easy To Use

With the Content Editor, you can easily optimize your content for SEO without having to deal with complicated tools. This tool makes it easier for any copywriter or marketer to write for maximum impact, without sacrificing quality.

7. Scalenut: AI-Powered SEO & Content Marketing Platform

Scalenut: AI-Powered SEO

If you’re looking for a powerful AI writing tool that can also help your content for SEO, Scalenut is for you. This AI-enabled editor helps both writers and marketers create great content more quickly and efficiently. Not only will you get powerful AI commands to help with your writing and editing, but Scalenut also features an integrated SEO algorithm and research capabilities to help your content rank better.

You’ll be able to easily track performance metrics with Scalenut as well. This tool provides insights on keywords, titles, and other important elements of your content so you can see how well it’s performing in search engines. On top of that, Scalenut offers automated markup features so you can easily structure your content for maximum visibility. Finally, this tool’s editing options make it easy to quickly improve quality without rewriting or reworking entire paragraphs — which can save you time and hassle in the long run.


  • No credit card is needed and the free plan does not expire
  • SEO research is done on the platform itself
  • AI writing tools for both long and short-form content
  • AI article writer
  • Collaboration features
  • Unlimited word length capabilities


Scalenut Pricing
Scalenut Pricing
  • Get started with Scalenut for free
  • Basic: $23/month per month for the yearly plan, $39/per month for a monthly plan
  • Pro: $47/month per month for the yearly plan, $79/per month for a monthly plan
  • Business: $89/month per month for the yearly plan, $149/per month for a monthly plan

Easy To Use

This simple, user-friendly tool generates top-notch blog posts. All the content is generated automatically. It can be quickly uploaded to a blog or website.

8. Outranking

Outranking: Best Content Strategy

This is one of the best content strategy platforms out there. It sets itself apart by using AI to optimize content creation, promote research and development, and get your content to the top of search engine results.

Thanks to its AI-driven targeting system, Outranking can take a lot of guesswork out of your marketing and SEO campaigns. Its algorithms take into account all kinds of things, like keyword popularity and phrase frequency, so you’re sure to get the reach you’re aiming for. It does all this with natural language processing (NLP) technology, so you can break down topics quickly and get the highest-quality results.

Outranking also helps streamline processes like content brainstorming, keyword suggestions, competitor analysis, link building, and more — it’s really like having an AI assistant working with you on every aspect of content creation! Best of all, it’s highly versatile too — so whether you’re perfecting web copy or running SEO campaigns, Outranking can make sure that your content is top-notch.


  • AI Writing
  • Content Strategy
  • Content Marketing
  • Optimization of content


Outranking Pricing
  • Starter: $7 per month and $490 per year plan
  • Solo: $79 per month and $790 per year plan
  • Pro: $149per month and $1490 per year plan
  • Company: $219 per month and $2190 per year plan
  • No free plan or trial

Easy To Use

Outranking.io is a user-friendly format that makes it easy to share files and work together on projects with fellow employees and customers. Step-by-step instructions make it easy to create articles.

9. Hemingway Editor – A Simple and Easy AI Writing Tool

Hemingway Editor - AI Writing Tool

If you’re looking for a simple and easy AI writing tool, Hemingway Editor is for you. It’s one of the best AI writing tools out there, as it comes with a range of features to help you create content quickly and easily.


  • Word Analysis: The tool is great for word analysis as it highlights any overly complex sentences or phrasing within your content, giving you a quick overview of where to improve. It also flags passages that are passive, helping you make sure that your copy is direct and engaging.
  • Readability Score: Hemingway Editor also assigns a readability score to your article, so you can quickly gauge how difficult the text is to digest. This helps you write in a way that’s easier to understand and appealing to readers.
  • Plus, the desktop version is available.


With the Hemingway App editor, you can get your writing edited without shelling out a penny. You just have to go to Hemingwayapp.com and paste your work into the designated area. In an instant, you’ll get your results and the corresponding editing pointers – all for free.

Easy To Use

What makes Hemingway Editor stand out from the rest is its ease of use. It’s an online tool, so all you need to do is copy and paste your content in the text box provided, and the app does the rest for you—offering results in no time!

What Are the Benefits of AI Writing Tools?

AI writing tools offer unique capabilities that traditional writing tools do not and can help improve your content creation workflow. They provide a range of features such as advanced grammar and spelling correction, automated summarization, natural language processing, and automated content generation. These features help you create more accurate content quickly and efficiently.

AI writing tools can provide valuable insights into how readers engage with your content. By analyzing user data, the best AI writing tools can provide insight into which topics are resonating with audiences and which areas may need further improvement. This enables you to refine your approach so that you get the most from each piece of content that you create.

In short, AI writing tools are a great way to speed up your content creation process and ensure that you publish the highest quality of work. From advanced automation features to personalized templates, these powerful tools will provide everything you need to create stunning pieces of work quickly and easily every time.


Ultimately, AI-driven writing tools are incredibly helpful for streamlining content creation and ensuring that your content is up to par. While they aren’t perfect, they can provide valuable insights and help you improve your writing.

It’s important to pick the right tool for the job, as each platform has its own specific features and capabilities. By arming yourself with the best AI writing tools, you can create higher-quality content more quickly and easily than ever before.


AI writing tools use natural language processing (NLP) technologies and machine learning algorithms to analyze your text, recognize patterns in language, and generate content based on those patterns. Once the tool has generated text, it can also be used to check grammar and spelling mistakes, suggest better words and phrases, detect plagiarism, etc.

While AI writing tools can help writers improve their work and speed up the writing process, they cannot replace the creative and critical thinking skills of a human writer. AI writing tools are best used as a supplement to human writing, not a replacement.

Some AI writing tools may collect data on users' writing habits and use this information to improve their suggestions. Users should read the privacy policies of any AI writing tool they use to ensure their data is protected.

The cost of AI writing tools can vary depending on the tool and the pricing model. Some tools offer a free version with limited features, while others require a subscription or one-time payment. It's important to research and compare different options before choosing a tool.

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By Rana J.

I am Rana Junaid, a technology specialist with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. I am a guide for businesses and individuals looking to improve their online presence. I regularly share my expertise through this blog, social media, and speaking engagements.

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